The Good News

Here’s How You Can Afford an Evolution Funnel
and Start Growing Your Sales, NOW.

If an Evolution Funnel can bring in a steady flow of new sales every month, then it’s going to be hugely valuable to your business. But you’re worried about the big up-front investment you’ll need to make, before you get to see those valuable new clients, right?

After all, professionally designed funnels run from $25,000 upwards.

Well, guess what? There is NO up-front investment!
Get an Evolution Funnel with an easy monthly subscription.

(Which means, it’s likely to be a tax-deductible marketing expense.)

With your Evolution Funnel subscription you’ll have a repeatable success system, which you can put on autopilot for months and years to come.

  • You can automate all your lead generation.
  • You can automate the qualification process for your leads, attracting only the best quality people to your business.
  • You can make sales much more easily. You’ll never again have to worry about where to find your next project!

When you set the low monthly subscription against the profit from a new kitchen project, you can see why this is such an exciting opportunity!

You’ll Get New Customers

These are prospects you don’t have now, and an Evolution Funnel can turn them into buyers.

You’ll have a list of people who want to hear from you. You’ll demonstrate your knowledge and experience with an information guide, tailored for your business.

You’ll educate them with an on-going, automated sequence of messages confirming your authority and expertise. You’ll teach them:

  • what to look for
  • what to avoid
  • what questions to ask
  • how to compare, or choose
  • how to save time and money
  • how to identify a good deal

And, working in harmony with your existing website, you’ll have a powerful Evolution Funnel, delivering a steady flow of new customers.

Let’s see. Did I miss anything?

Oh, yes. MORE Good News.

OK, so an Evolution Funnel will easily pay for itself. Unless it doesn’t work.

Well, in that case, even one dollar would be too much to pay, right?

So let me set your mind at rest with my Common Sense Guarantee.

1. Firstly, there’s NO contract term. You can cancel at any time.
2. And if you cancel in the first 90 days, you get ALL your money back.

Some people call that a guarantee. I call it Common Sense. After all, if I can’t deliver results for your investment, then why should I expect you to continue?

However . . . you should be aware it WILL take a few weeks to gain momentum. After all, it takes at least 30 days for a prospect to complete the nurturing sequence. So it would be a terrible shame if you were to cancel and then, as people reach stage 4 (Purchase Decision) and start to buy, you change your mind and decide to continue after all.

Only to find a competitor has already filled your place.

(So it’s possible I can’t build an Evolution Funnel for you, simply because it’s already been claimed in your area.)

This is when most business owners who are reading this, have exactly the same reaction as you: “Quick! Where’s the sign-up form?” It’s right here.